Why can’t you just find a clone of yourself?

Outsourcing Success PlanCindy Bidar:

Maybe you’ve tried hiring team members
before and had disastrous results.
You’ve been “ghosted” by enthusiastic
writers who then didn’t actually do the
work (sometimes even AFTER you’ve paid

You’ve spent hours cleaning up the
messes left by team members who… well,
let’s just say they exaggerated their
skills a tiny bit.

You’re a self-diagnosed “control freak”
who has trouble letting go and as a
result, you’re unsatisfied with
everyone you’ve hired.

Why can’t you
just find a clone of yourself?

You’ve felt the frustration of finally
hiring the perfect assistant, only to
have her quit after a few weeks when
something better came along, sending
you right back to square one.

You might even be one of millions of
small business owners who know the
benefits of outsourcing, and who jumped
in with both feet, only to struggle to
fill the time you’ve paid for.

If any of that sounds familiar, you’re
not alone, and it’s not your fault.

No one is born knowing how to manage a
team, and it’s especially hard when
you’re bootstrapping your business as
so many of us do!

Whatever the reason for your past
outsourcing failures—whether you’ve
hired before you were ready, onboarded
the wrong person, or just didn’t have
the skills to be an effective team

you’ll find the answer inside
Outsourcing Success Plan.


Outsourcing Success Plan: Hire, Train,
Manage, and Mentor a Team to Grow Your

Sale dates: July 13 through Sunday, July 19 
Promo code: DREAMTEAM (saves $60)

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