Why should a complete newbie chose internet marketing? Part 2 -Distractions

I would be able to market more products as an affiliate than a product designer. 50% commission sounded good to me, leaving all the marketing and support to the product designer.

Was this the straight path to riches?

My research proved to be long and directionless for quite a while. The good news for a newbie is that there is help, guidance (and a lot of products to buy) on almost every topic. The bad news for a newbie is that you need to be able to evaluate all of this in the time available to you.

However, as a newbie, it is difficult to know what you need now to start and the overall plan, or strategy.

This newbie had a lot to learn – almost everything – so collecting free material became an obsession. Taking free material, generated a predictable flood of e-mails offering products and services to resolve all problems instantly and generate vast amounts of money almost as quickly.

Among the offers were work-from-home services, such as voice-overs and surveys at home, but most expensive were the binary trading operations, disguised as opportunities for the small investor. Following through,

the investments quickly doubled from the original promotions and offered further incentives to invest unlimited amounts.

The trading is straight forward: gambling, speculation on whether the US $ will be higher, or lower, against the Euro at 19.00 tonight, or in 3 days’ time. Substitute a commodity, such as gold, or a share price such as Apple, decide whether it is going to rise, or fall from now to a specified time and that is it.

Your bet, or gamble, does not win 100% return, which is where the counterparty / house / other side of the bet will win both in the short and longer term.

The presentation is generally that it will all be automated for you, but as soon as you invest the $150/$250 minimum, you are allocated a personal adviser. These people are not going to be interested in small investors and taking a small percent of the winnings, their incentive is to build your investment stake – pay more money now!

I was sucked into two separate operations. I immediately told them I wanted to cancel everything, as soon as I spoke to my personal advisers. One did and refunded. The other kept arguing until I lost $400, thanks to my expert personal adviser.

It was time to avoid the distractions and move forward to making money online.


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