Why should a complete newbie chose internet marketing? Part 3 – Accounting materials?

Could I use my accounting experience to make money on line?

I had been publishing IFRS accounting workbooks online (free to download) since 2003, so I knew  something about the market. Also, as a double-qualified UK accountant, I have worked with accountants in many countries for much of my working life.

I have run many accounting courses, both for professionals and university students.

Tackling this market would involve competing against myself (my published books) and free publications from the major audit firms. Having so much available, free of charge, leaves accountants with little incentive to buy training except to secure their professional qualification.

That market has long been dominated by the training companies, for whom I have worked, and requires a full set of books for 14 or so exams – a major development cost.

So I had been looking at the prospects for a few years, but found nothing that would generate a serious income. Two years ago, I encountered silvia.mahutova@ifrsbox.com, a young Slovak with fluent English

whose site covers my main area of expertise: IFRS. She has run her site for more than 10 years. She has a list of highly-appreciative readers from all around the globe.

I needed some material for one of my free books, googled the topic and found her. She kindly helped and has continued to do so ever since.

She provides highly-professional material, including videos, most of which is free. Her one paid product is an IFRS kit, a pack of complete materials. I suggested that she gave away too much without charge.

She corrected me by identifying that her free items lifted her ratings on Google and other listings, so she is locked into continuous provision of free material to find clients to buy her kits. Otherwise, she would needs to buy ads.

We have looked at some options in our work together, but have not yet found a golden bullet.

I am open to ideas in online opportunities in my accounting sphere, but need to move forward elsewhere

to generate an income now, rather than in the future.

Meanwhile, the super opportunities were hitting my e-mail box 24 hours per day. Most were cheap to set up, no product, no site, no autoresponder needed, with the promise of building up to $100, or $200 per day. Some are undoubtedly genuine (and some are not).

I would certainly be happy to receive up to $200 per day for doing virtually nothing, but I guessed that my earnings would be less and I would not be able to scale up to larger amounts.

Where is the bigger, repeatable money to be earned?




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