Internet Marketing – Product Profits Club – free to join + downlosd products – 1

Product Profits Club This is a membership site full of training materials, all of which are FREE to you via our private link: When folks are starting out, they usually think by creating an ebook, they’ll be in business. And to a large part they are correct. However – if you want to maximize your profit…

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Internet Marketing – Why everything seems expensive -2

Mark Wickersham (UK) The Power of Price Psychology Why everything seems expensive without contrast  This is where the contrast principle comes in – letting you frame your price in a way that seems so much less. In his book Dr Cialdini uses the example of three buckets of water to illustrate the principle.  One…

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Internet Marketing – Why everything seems expensive -1

Mark Wickersham (UK) The Power of Price Psychology Why everything seems expensive without contrast  I often get asked what the most powerful technique is when it comes to pricing. And I reply – “The contrast principle.” I believe that it’s described most effectively in the introduction to a book called Influence, Science and Practice…

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Internet Marketing – What’s a lead magnet? (is it something heavy?)

Randy Smith (UK) Randy is John Thornhill’s marketing guru, who also co-owns Mediakettle. (John is my mentor.) Here is Randy Smith’s new product. It teaches you how to produce an e-book in less than one hour. You can use it to produce professional pdf reports, with stunning covers, for your day job. Here is Dan Sumner’s…

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Internet Marketing – Simple, Short, Successful!

Randy Smith (UK) Randy is John Thornhill’s marketing guru, who also co-owns Mediakettle. (John is my mentor.) Here is Randy Smith’s new product. It teaches you how to produce an e-book in less than one hour. You can use it to produce professional pdf reports, with stunning covers, for your day job. Here is Tursten Mueller’s…

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Internet Marketing – Check out these weird side effects…!

Randy Smith (UK) Randy is John Thornhill’s marketing guru, who also co-owns Mediakettle. (John is my mentor.) Here is Randy Smith’s new product. It teaches you how to produce an e-book in less than one hour. Here is Omar Martin’s description: Check out these weird side effects… Did you know that using specific software…

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Randy Smith (UK) Randy is John Thornhill’s marketing guru, who also co-owns Mediakettle. (John is my mentor.) Here is Randy Smith’s new product. It teaches you how to produce an e-book in less than one hour. Here is John’s description: You don’t need me to tell you that building a list is the number…

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Internet Marketing – Never write another word!

Randy Smith (UK) Randy is John Thornhill’s marketing guru, who also co-owns Mediakettle. (John is my mentor.) Here is Randy Smith’s new product. It teaches you how to produce an e-book in less than one hour. Here is Randy’s description: I’m sure you’ve often heard the cliche: ‘The Money is in the List’It’s become…

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Internet Marketing – Produce an ebook in one hour!

Randy Smith (UK) Randy is John Thornhill’s marketing guru, who also co-owns Mediakettle. (John is my mentor.) Here is Randy Smith’s new product, launched today! It teaches you how to produce an e-book in less than one hour. Here is my testimonial: DIY Lead Magnets taught me to systematically produce my first e-book for…

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Internet Marketing – What is Randy’s number one recommendation?

Randy Smith (UK) Randy is John Thornhill’s marketing guru, who also co-owns Mediakettle. (John is my mentor.) We will see his latest product tomorrow. Meanwhile, he recommends: John Thornhill’s Workshop ‘In the 12years+ I’ve known and worked with John, he’s never steered me nor his members wrong! (And has even paid for folks like me…

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