Why email marketing, {!firstname_fix} ?
David Perdew: We’re always looking for somethingbetter, something that will help usconvert more prospects into customersand build better relationships. That’s why we all pay so much attentionall the new techniques and tools thatcome out. But if you’re not exhausting the oldschool methods first, you’re wastingyour time. And some people think emailmarketing is about as old…
Last day!
Sales Pages That Convert https://cindybidar.com/order/aff/go/profmoscow?i=89 Latest product from Cindy Bidar:Last day to write better sales pagesJust one additional sale covers yourinvestmentTiny investment; big returns As an online business owner, you’ve nodoubt invested in loads of courses,books, and other trainings. Maybe you’ve learned—as I have—to considerthe potential return on your investmentbefore buying anything new. That’s one reason…
This pays for itself!
Sales Pages That Convert https://cindybidar.com/order/aff/go/profmoscow?i=89 Latest product from Cindy Bidar:One reason I’m so excited aboutSales Pages That Convert. The ROI isabsolutely clear. When you study this course and…write better sales pages for yourcourses, digital products, or freelanceservices Review past copywriting projects tofind and repair the trouble spotsbefore you relaunch or promote themagain You’ll almost immediately…
This is the way forward:
Sales Pages That Convert https://cindybidar.com/order/aff/go/profmoscow?i=89 Latest product from Cindy Bidar: The problem with writing copy is youhave to ditch just about everythingyou’ve been taught about good writing,and instead focus on… The wants and needs of your idealcustomer, and be able to paint a vividpicture of how your product deliversher deepest desire while eliminatingher biggest frustrations.…
What if writing your next sales page was easy?
Sales Pages That Convert https://cindybidar.com/order/aff/go/profmoscow?i=89 Latest product from Cindy Bidar:Cindy will show you how to craft asales page that gets results. You’llknow… Exactly who your buyer is, what shemost wants from you, and how yourproduct or service is checks all theboxes on her wish list. How to create a sales page that readslike the story…
Courses not selling? Here’s a fix…
Sales Pages That Convert https://cindybidar.com/order/aff/go/profmoscow?i=89 Latest product from Cindy Bidar:I can’t even tell you how many hoursI’ve spent writing sales copy. It’s askill that doesn’t come easily to mostof us—that’s why top copywriters getpaid BIG money. The problem is, as small businessowners, we HAVE TO get good at it. Wedon’t have a choice. If you’ve…
Sales Pages That Convert
https://cindybidar.com/order/aff/go/profmoscow?i=89 Latest product from Cindy Bidar! New today!Cindy Bidar:is a brand new course my members havebeen asking me to create for years. It’s a step-by-step plan to makewriting sales pages easy (even ifyou’re not a writer). It’s the exactstrategy I use to organize and write myown sales pages, and it’s perfect foranyone who sells courses, digitalproducts,…
4 courses, 75% discount
https://cindybidar.com/order/aff/go/profmoscow?i=88 Cindy Bidar:You need to know…What’s the best use of your limitedtime? On any given day, your attentionmight be pulled in 1,000 differentdirections. How can you know what’sreally going to result in more profits,and what’s just another waste of time? How to leverage your assets for higherprofits over time. The key to long-termbusiness success lies…
Daily money maker- in the Bundle!
This bundle is 75% off standard prices!https://cindybidar.com/order/aff/go/profmoscow?i=88 Cindy Bidar: As small business owners, we’re Busywith a capital B, am I right? The question is, how much of that businessresults in real cash in your pocket,and how much of it is not as profitableas it could be? Rather than getting caught up in thebusy work and urgent…
Fill your list with buyers – in the Bundle!
This bundle is 75% off standard prices! https://cindybidar.com/order/aff/go/profmoscow?i=88 Cindy Bidar: Smart business owners know the profitpotential of an engaged email list, butdid you know that all those free offersand nurture sequences might be doingyou (and your subscribers) adisservice? The thing is, those first few momentsafter a new subscriber joins your listare when they are most engaged.…