Steps to Creating and Packaging Paid Products…Step 4

Garry Desmarais: : Now that we have out actualcourse done, we need to package it. The first part of that is creating acover. If you don’t know how to createa cover for your product,it’s not a bad idea to go over tofiverr and just have someone do it foryou. Make sure it looks cool. To…

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Step 3: Now pick your best idea

Garry Desmarais: Steps to Creating and Packaging Paid Products…Step 3: Now pick your best idea thatshows the most promise and map out aproduct around that idea. You need to come upwith a name for this product. Make it sound cool. This product can be a written specialreport in the form of a PDF file or itcan…

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Steps to Creating and Packaging Paid Products…2

Garry Desmarais: Steps to Creating and Packaging Paid Products…Step 2: Go to WarriorPlus, JVZoo, andClickbank and look for similarproducts to your ideas. How are they selling? You are looking for proofthat this idea will sell. If it hasworked before, it can work again. This is risk management. You don’t want to spendtime creating something that will not sell,so we…

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Creating and Packaging Paid Products…-1

Garry Desmarais: Steps to Creating and Packaging Paid Products…Step 1: Go to niche related forums,Facebook groups, and blogs(comment sections of articles). See what people are talking aboutin your niche. What kinds of questionsare they asking? What kinds of problems are they having? Write these down. Come up with 10 ideas for productsTo be continued..

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Tuesday – 54% discount disappears – buy now! Cindy Bidar:  There are so many things pulling atyour attention when you run a smallbusiness.  Technical issues that must be fixed(and usually by you). Bookkeeping tasks that never seem toend (and again, are on your desk). Shiny objects that promise to be thekey to your success (but rarely are).  It’s so easy to fall…

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Now Money and Later Money.

Now Money and Later Money Cindy Bidar:  What I really love about this toolkitis the way she’s organized it. It’s divided into two parts—Now Money andLater Money. If you need to bring insome cash this week (or even today)turn to the Now Money section and picka task to do.  Each idea includes estimated time forcompletion…

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30 ideas for projects and tasks that make your business more profitable Cindy Bidar:  The Daily Money Makers Toolkit features 30 ideas for projects and tasks that make your business more profitable. Even if you find only one new idea to implement, it will more than pay for itself within just a few days. Here are the details you need: The Daily Money Makers Toolkit Release…

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do the money tasks first every day Cindy Bidar:  Add these must-do tasks to your to-do list todayHow to “do the money tasks first” every day There are so many things pulling atyour attention when you run a smallbusiness.  Technical issues that must be fixed(and usually by you). Bookkeeping tasks that never seem toend (and again, are on your desk). Shiny objects that…

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“What will I do to make money today?” Cindy Bidar:  The Daily Money Makers Toolkit is acollection of tasks to add to yourto-do list every day. It will help youprioritize your money tasks so youalways have an answer to that criticalquestion, “What will I do to make money today?” Each task in The Daily Money MakersToolkit includes: Time and resource requirements: You caneasily…

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the question successful business owners ask every day Cindy Bidar: The question successful business ownersask every day If you’ve ever caught yourself worryingover money as the end of the monthcreeps up on you and you realize thatyou haven’t sold enough to cover yourexpenses, well, you’re not alone. It’s a situation I found myself in more thanonce, and I bet it’s more common thanyou think. The…

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