Internet Marketing – Reasons People Are Buying Right Now – 5

Reasons People AreBuying Right Now andWhat They’re Spending Thousands On  Jennifer Diepstraten  Reason 5 Authentic Leadership  There’s a reason people binge-watchtheir favorite shows – theywant to see their favorite charactersovercoming obstacles andhaving breakthroughs.  They want to stepinto something that makesthem feel different.  Better.  This is exactly why the innovators,trailblazers and providers of realsolutions are the ones…

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Internet Marketing – Reasons People Are Buying Right Now! -4

Reasons People Are Buying Right Now andWhat They’re Spending Thousands On  Jennifer Diepstraten  Reason 4: Unprecedented Opportunity  Rapid change creates manyopportunities, but it’s only a rare fewentrepreneurs who are brave enough towalk confidently into theunknowns in search of the newopportunities they can create.  They believe in themselves.  They know what they have to offer isgreat. And they…

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Internet Marketing – Reasons People Are Buying Right Now! -3

Reasons People Are Buying Right Now andWhat They’re Spending Thousands On  Jennifer Diepstraten  Reason 3: People are More InvestmentMinded  People feel good about making solidinvestments for their future,and even more so when that investmentis sure to deliver the resultsthey want.  This is why a clear,compelling offer that providesrapid results builds a rich foundationfor attracting clients.  When…

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Reasons People Are Buying Right Now -2

Reasons People Are Buying Right Now andWhat They’re Spending Thousands On  Jennifer Diepstraten  Reason 2: Desire for Immediate Results  People want solutions that deliverresults, and when things areuncertain they want them faster.  Being able to get a rapid return onan investment of time, energy, orfinancial resources minimizesuncertainty and can create a sense ofrelief.  When your offer shows…

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Reasons People Are Buying Right Now and What They’re Spending Thousands On -1

Reasons People Are Buying Right Now andWhat They’re Spending Thousands On  Jennifer Diepstraten  Have you been worried about how peoplewill feel if you sell to them right now? Concerned that your pricing might be alittle too high in this economy? With changes rocking even some of themost experiencedentrepreneurs’ confidence while otherbusinesses seem to bethriving, I decided to go…

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2020 IFRS Books – Just Published! – Free download IFRS WORKBOOKS(1 million downloaded in more than120 countries)  FREE to download!  Welcome to the EU Tacis IFRS Workbooksthirteenth (2020) edition!   The firstedition was in 2003.  To the books, wehave added articles:Deferred Tax: TheOnly Way to Learn It is an essentialarticle for practitioners, lecturers,trainers and students.  ‘IFRS- grabbing the tiger by the tail’  covers IFRSteaching issues for…

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Internet Marketing – Set up a Great Home Office! -8

Set up a Great Home Office  Elyse Hauser  Add Personal Touches Your home office isn’t just aboutpracticality. It should also have somefun, personal touches that make it anintegral part of your home. If you don’t need to hang shelves forstorage up to the ceiling, you can hangyour favorite art prints above yourdesk instead. Looking at…

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Internet Marketing – Set up a Great Home Office! -7

Set up a Great Home Office  Elyse Hauser  Find Storage Solutions  If you have a small living space, youprobably struggle with finding placesto put your stuff. Luckily, your home office space canalso become a sourceof new storage.  Look above and below your desk. Can you put up shelves just above the desk, oradd some rolling drawers beneath…

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Internet Marketing – Set up a Great Home Office! -6

Set up a Great Home Office  Elyse Hauser  Consider DividersIf you live with other people, youmight want to find a way to divide youroffice space from the rest of theliving space.  Of course, the dream is to have a homeoffice with a door you can close. But since that’s not always realistic, getcreative. Try hanging curtains…

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Set up a Great Home Office! -5

Elyse Hauser Choose Your Desk and Chair Now, you have a place to put your office. It may only be a few feet wide, but all you need is enough space for yourself and your most essential work supplies. Next, find (or create) a desk that will fit that space. Use a tape measure to…

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