What REALLY makes an affiliate successful?
The Commission Machine Michael Cheney: http://jvz3.com/c/593801/142505 I’ll be honest with you. I’ve had the privilege of meeting some of the world’s top super affiliates in my time. And I can tell you there are certain characteristics or traits they all share. You ready? Let’s do this… #1. They are process-orientated They don’t hop from one…
The #1 entrepreneur-killer
The Commission Machine Michael Cheney: http://jvz3.com/c/593801/142505 It’s not failed ideas. It’s not debt. It’s not doubters. It’s not frustration. It’s not overwhelm. It’s not bad decisions. It’s… DISTRACTION. You and I are entrepreneurs and as such we have some genes in common. Genes which drive us, light a fire deep inside our belly to never…
Are you caught between a rock and a hard sell?
The Commission Machine Michael Cheney: http://jvz3.com/c/593801/142505 They call it the “moral compass”. You know the conversation you have in your head between how lucrative something will be and what you would need to do to promote it. It fries your brain. You see… There’s a big misconception in this game that in order to make…
BUSTED: Check out what I caught an affiliate doing
This story starts a few years ago… I was on Warrior Forum and saw a big name marketer doing a big launch on there. There were big prizes up for grabs for the affiliates who made the most sales. So people were coming up with smart (and not so smart) ways to get more sales.…
ULTIMATE COURSE LAUNCH SYSTEMCindy Bidar is back with a great bundle! https://cindybidar.com/order/aff/go/profmoscow?i=93Sales Pages That Convert:An Easy Copywriting System for DigitalProduct Sellers ($97.00 VALUE) Just 1 of 3 for the price! Sales Pages That Convert is a completecopywriting training with one goal inmind—to help you write a sales pagethat’s uniquely yours, and that speaksdirectly to your ideal customer. At…
Low-Cost Solutions for Creating Professional-Quality Digital Courses
ULTIMATE COURSE LAUNCH SYSTEMCindy Bidar is back with a great bundle! https://cindybidar.com/order/aff/go/profmoscow?i=93 Quick & Easy Course Creation: Low-Cost Solutions for Creating Professional-Quality Digital Courses ($97.00 VALUE) Just 1 of 3 for the price! Every week I hear from customers andclients just like you who areinterested in creating courses and whohave something of value to share butwho just…
Course Creation and Launch Plan for Overwhelmed Entrepreneurs!
ULTIMATE COURSE LAUNCH SYSTEMCindy Bidar is back with a great bundle! https://cindybidar.com/order/aff/go/profmoscow?i=93 Finally! An Easy-to-Manage CourseCreation and Launch Plan forOverwhelmed Entrepreneurs! Even if you’re frustrated withtechnology and hate sales. Time freedom. Financial security. Location independence. The list of reasons for starting anonline business is long but sadly, notall business models fit the bill. Coaching is lucrative…
3 for less the the price of 1!
ULTIMATE COURSE LAUNCH SYSTEMCindy Bidar is back with a great bundle! https://cindybidar.com/order/aff/go/profmoscow?i=93 The Ultimate Course Launch System isavailable for a short time only, andit’s going to help you plan, create,and sell your courses, even if you getfrustrated by technology, don’t thinkyou have anything of value to share, orhate to sell. This three-course bundle has absolutelyeverything you…
ULTIMATE COURSE LAUNCH SYSTEMCindy Bidar is back with a great bundle! https://cindybidar.com/order/aff/go/profmoscow?i=93Plan, create, and sell your course –step-by-step help One thing I love about online businessis all the different ways you cancreate something you love. You can be a blogger or a coach or afreelancer or you can write books orstart a YouTube channel or a…
ULTIMATE COURSE LAUNCH SYSTEMCindy Bidar is back with a great bundle! https://cindybidar.com/order/aff/go/profmoscow?i=93 Cindy: I’m launching a special training bundlejust for people who are looking for aneasy course planning and launch system. It includes three of my bestsellingcourses at a 79% discount, and it walksbuyers through all the steps they needto… • Plan, write, and create a…