Tiny Course Empire -2
Cindy Bidar:It’s no secret that the online courseindustry is huge. In fact, it’spredicted to be worth more than $325BILLION dollars by 2025. And—dare I even say it?— 2020 has been pretty goodfor online course creators since we’reall spending a bit more time at homethan we want to. But here’s where I think a lot ofcourse creators…
Tiny Course Empire -1
Cindy Bidar: Yesterday we launchedTiny Course Empire, and it’s a huge hit. People are looking for a low-key,introvert-friendly way to build asustainable online business, and tiny courses have proventime and time againto be easy to create, easy to sell, andeasy to leverage into long-termprofits. That’s what Tiny Course Empire is allabout.All details are here:https://cindybidar.com/order/aff/go/profmoscow?i=81 to be continued…
Steps To Creating And Packaging Paid Products..-2
Garry Desmarais Step 2: Go to WarriorPlus, JVZoo, andClickbank and look for similarproducts to your ideas. How are they selling? You are looking for proofthat this idea will sell. If it has worked before it can work again. This is risk management. You don’t want to spend timecreating something that will not sell,so we do our…
Steps To Creating And Packaging Paid Products – 1
Garry Desmarais Step 1: Go to niche related forums,Facebook groups, and blogs(comment sections of articles). See what people are talking aboutin your niche. What kinds of questions are they asking? What kinds of problems are they having? Write these down.Come up with 10 ideas for products to be continued…
Ambassador Program: Q+A 3
Please make time to watch this: a new FREE webinar from my mentor, John Thornhill for his high-profit program:Ambassador Program: https://jvz1.com/c/593801/331601 a new program in which John supplies the products and a whole system to create yourprofit-earning online marketing business. Q. Please tell me what this is about? A. In a nutshell, you get 2 sites…
Ambassador Program Q+A 2
Please make time to watch this: a new FREEwebinar from my mentor, John Thornhill for his high-profit program:Ambassador Program: https://jvz1.com/c/593801/331601 a new program in which John supplies the products and a whole system to create your profit-earning online marketing business. Q. Please tell me what this is about? A. In a nutshell, you get 2 sites…
How do I profit from it?
FAQ Ambassador Program – how do I profit from it?https://jvz1.com/c/593801/331601 Q. Please tell me what this is about? A. In a nutshell, you get 2 sites ofyour own. One promotes the webinar andthe other recruits affiliates into hisPartnership to Success Program. You get paid up to $1182 for everyonewho joins Partnership to Success fromyour link,…
Six Rules of Effective Public Speaking-6
Gary GenardGreat speakers don’t just speak—theyperform. Rule #6: Get Good at Q & A—Really Good. I call Q & A “the forgotten avenue ofaudience persuasion,” for a very goodreason. Virtually anyone can give areasonable presentation if they prepareand practice enough. During thepresentation itself, that is, allshould go well. But what happens whenthe presentation ends and…
Rules of Effective Public Speaking – 5
Gary GenardGreat speakers don’t just speak—theyperform.Rule #5: Color Your Vocal Delivery. Your voice is the most flexiblecommunication tool you own, apart fromthe brain itself. It’s capable of awide range of coloration and effects,from astonishment and incredulity tomockery and seduction and a hundredother intentions. To speak withoutvocal variation means using a “mono” orsingle tone; and from…
Rules of Effective Public Speaking -4
Gary Genard Great speakers don’t just speak—theyperform. Rule #4: Use Your Body. Your body is anatural tool of communication—and apowerful one at that. After all,there’s a reason you’re not a brain ina bell jar communicating telepathically. Audiences need you togive physical expression to the thingsyou’re saying. So, some suggestions: Always stand rather than sit if youhave…