Internet Marketing – Making your first video – 8
Sheryl Bernstein Coaching ©20197. Watch your takes (what you’ve recorded) back before you wrap it upand pack your stuff up….to see if youlike it. To see if it recorded! You may want to reshoot something. With everything still in place, you’ll beready to just jump back in instead of having to set up all over again. Which you probablywon’t want…
Internet Marketing – Making your first video – 7
Sheryl Bernstein Coaching ©20196. Find your light! Literally. Where is it coming from? Be very aware of your lighting. Lighting is everything. Right up there with timing. Overhead light will cast downward unattractive shadows onyour face. Lighting from behind willput you in the dark. If you’re shootingoutside, in natural light, be aware ofsquinting, of too much sun. And don’t ever shoot into…
Internet Marketing – Making your first video – 6
Sheryl Bernstein Coaching ©2019 5. If you make a mistake,don’t panic, orthink you’re an idiot…. because really, you can just keep going. With a littleforethought, you can save what you’vealready done, and pickup from there. Editing is magic. Here’s what to do: If you do make a mistake,and want to save what you’ve alreadydone, just stop, compose yourself, andgive…
Internet Marketing – Making your first video – 5
Sheryl Bernstein Coaching ©2019 4. Do you know where you’re going to?Know where you’re going with yourvideo message. Is there a call to action? What is it? Is it clear?Will your viewer know what to do?How to do it? Do you want them to opt in tosomething, click on something, commentbelow? You need to tell them, directthem, and…
Internet Marketing – Making your first video – 4
Don’t ‘put on’, be louder, or biggerthan you normally are. Just be you. I know, sometimes it’s thehardest thing to do. This is not being on stage, where youmay have to reach the 50th row. The camera is intimate. Like havingcoffee across a table with a friend. Speak normally. A client once told meshe got…
Internet Marketing – Making your first video – 3
2. Look around you. Take time to thinkabout your background,your environment. This is your setting.You are the jewel, the background isyour velvet case. As you look around,think about this: Does it add to theessence you want to get across, to the feel of your message? Of you? You want to be aligned, sending thesame message with…
Internet Marketing – Making your first video – 2
Sheryl Bernstein Coaching ©2019 1. Remember to look into the cameralens and keep your gaze equal withthat of the viewer. If you’re too high,you appear towering over them, looking down. Which could work if you want tobe all powerful and frightening. If you’re too low, the viewer will feellike they tower over you, and youappear childlike. Not so…
Internet Marketing – Making your first video – 2
Sheryl Bernstein Coaching ©2019 1. Remember to look into the cameralens and keep your gaze equal withthat of the viewer. If you’re too high,you appear towering over them, looking down. Which could work if you want tobe all powerful and frightening. If you’re too low, the viewer will feellike they tower over you, and youappear childlike. Not so…
Internet Marketing – Making your first video – 1
Sheryl Bernstein Coaching ©2019 If you’d like to create your ownvideos, but think you can’t because youdon’t have the right equipment, aren’t‘ready’, or think you have to be alldifferent than just ‘you’….I’m hereto tell you 1. you are ready 2. you are enough 3. you can absolutely shoot your owngreat videoswith just the tools and…
Internet Marketing – Reasons People Are Buying Right Now! -6
Reasons People Are Buying Right Now andWhat They’re Spending Thousands On Jennifer Diepstraten Reason 6 Systems That Work Now These entrepreneurs are not brighter orsmarter than you, and youdon’t need a big name, big email list,big team, or big budget tomake great sales. You can start todayto bring in high quality clientswho really value what you do…