Internet Marketing – Time is Money!
Latest from John Thornhill!:We’ve all heard that saying right?“Time is Money”. Well it’s true, we all know it’s true,yet we are constantly wasting our timeon things that aren’t going to help usmake money. We all do it. I know I do. I know that I could spend my timecreating products, writing emails orsetting up promotions…
Internet Marketing – Hands Down The FASTEST Way to Monetize Your Site!…
Latest from John Thornhill!:What’s you MOST valuable asset in yourOnline Business? Well for me it’s my TIME, it takes timeto structure, create, build and updateeverything, and of course you need your‘quality free time’ to unwind. So when I saw this AWESOME wordpressplugin that takes just TEN SECONDS tomonetize every single page on your siteon ANY…
Internet Marketing – Hands Down The FASTEST Way to Monetize Your Site!…
Latest from John Thornhill!: Have you grabbed your copy of WP SpeedyLinks yet? No? Well don’t hang around it’s sellinglike hot cakes on a Sunday morning 🙂http://profmoscow.wpspeedy.hop.clickbank.net In a nutshell, WP Speedy Links is handsdown the FASTEST way to monetize yourENTIRE WordPress website or blog for ANY keyword on FULL AUTOPILOT!It literally takes you TEN…
Internet Marketing – Monetize Your Site in 10 Seconds!…
Latest from John Thornhill!:Have you ever wanted a REALLY FAST wayto monetize your WordPress websites orblogs? I mean REALLY FAST, I’m talking likeTEN SECONDS to monetize your ENTIREWordPress website or blog for ANYkeyword on FULL AUTOPILOTEven if your site has THOUSANDS ofpages! http://profmoscow.wpspeedy.hop.clickbank.net I’m personally always wanting to addlinks to new and different products andoffers,…
Internet Marketing – Write More Descriptively – 2
jordan@writingexplained.org:The purpose of writing is tocommunicate information. This is truefor writing of all types, for fictionand nonfiction, for creative andtechnical, for business and legal. Tools of Description Verb choice.Selecting colorful verbsis one of the easiest ways to make yourwriting more interesting. You don’teven have to add extra words; yoursentences need verbs anyway, so justchoose good…
Internet Marketing -what are menu pricing and the middle option? – 5
Mark Wickersham (UK): The Value Pricing System https://www.wickersham.co.uk/a/6541/wWVxKzFL Making the middle option top choice I often talk about menu pricing and the power of three. It’s truly powerful stuff. It’s the fact that when facedwith three options people tend togravitate towards the middle option. So, if you want most people to go forthe middle option think about thevisual element –…
Internet Marketing -what are menu pricing and the middle option? – 4
Mark Wickersham (UK):The Value Pricing System https://www.wickersham.co.uk/a/6541/wWVxKzFL Making the middle option top choiceI often talk about menu pricing and thepower of three. It’s truly powerful stuff. It’s the fact that when facedwith three options people tend togravitate towards the middle option. 3) Use the tick list technique Another powerful way to persuadecustomers to trade up is the…
Internet Marketing -what are menu pricing and the middle option? – 3
Mark Wickersham (UK):The Value Pricing System https://www.wickersham.co.uk/a/6541/wWVxKzFL Making the middle option top choiceI often talk about menu pricing and thepower of three. It’s truly powerful stuff. It’s the fact that when facedwith three options people tend togravitate towards the middle option. 2) Get your description rightPricing is marketing, so how youdescribe your packages is vital. Remember that…
Internet Marketing -what are menu pricing and the middle option? – 2
Mark Wickersham (UK):The Value Pricing System https://www.wickersham.co.uk/a/6541/wWVxKzFL Making the middle option top choiceI often talk about menu pricing and thepower of three. It’s truly powerful stuff. It’s the fact that when facedwith three options people tend togravitate towards the middle option. 1) The power of persuasionYou can help it along. When presentingyour three options and you aredescribing…
Internet Marketing -what are menu pricing and the middle option? – 1
Mark Wickersham (UK):The Value Pricing System https://www.wickersham.co.uk/a/6541/wWVxKzFL Making the middle option top choiceI often talk about menu pricing and thepower of three. It’s truly powerful stuff. It’s the fact that when facedwith three options people tend togravitate towards the middle option. And it works with pricing too. So you might only currently offer onepackage – your tax…