Internet Marketing -upgrade nudge strategy – 2
Mark Wickersham (UK):The Value Pricing System https://www.wickersham.co.uk/a/6541/wWVxKzFLToday, I’d like to share a tipI learned from the science behind thepricing of menus. Supersizing works! That way, what happens is that a lot ofclients will think, “For an extra £50 Iget so much more stuff.” And it works. You’ll see it used in any number ofplaces. …
Internet Marketing -upgrade nudge strategy – 1
Mark Wickersham (UK):The Value Pricing System https://www.wickersham.co.uk/a/6541/wWVxKzFLToday, I’d like to share a tip I learned from the science behind thepricing of menus. I’m sure you’ve readmy post on the magic of three, on howimportant it is to always offer clientsthree different packages to choosefrom. However, once you’ve done that,what’s the next stage? How do youprice…
Internet Marketing – Best Tools and Resources to Power Your Online Business – 9
Noel Cunningham (Ireland):Over the years I have found acore group of tools that I stick withand I use all the time, simply becausethey are well supported and work asdescribed. Mind Mapping Mind Mapping App – MindNode ProI like using this mind mapping app as Ihave it on both my iPhone and my Computers and everything…
Internet Marketing – Best Tools and Resources to Power Your Online Business – 8
Noel Cunningham (Ireland): Over the years I have found acore group of tools that I stick withand I use all the time, simply becausethey are well supported and work asdescribed. Webinar Software Webinar Software with a 60 Day Trial –Webinar Jam I have been with Webinar Jam since 2016after doing a lot of research on…
Internet Marketing – Best Tools and Resources to Power Your Online Business – 7
Noel Cunningham (Ireland): Over the years I have found acore group of tools that I stick withand I use all the time, simply becausethey are well supported and work asdescribed. Video Recorder and Editor –Screencast-O-Matic At less than 20 bucks per year for thepremium version of this Video Recorderit has to be one of my…
Internet Marketing -biggest mistake accountants make when using menu pricing – 2
Mark Wickersham (UK):The Value Pricing System https://www.wickersham.co.uk/a/6541/wWVxKzFLIf they don’t speak to and meet the specific needs ofa buyer, then you are going to harm yourchances of making the conversion. There are really two ways to thinkabout this… #1 – Customer SegmentationFirstly, you can use this processcalled customer segmentation. This means you think about your clients,about their different…
Internet Marketing -biggest mistake accountants make when using menu pricing – 1
Mark Wickersham (UK):The Value Pricing System https://www.wickersham.co.uk/a/6541/wWVxKzFLThere is a big mistake people keepmaking with menu pricing. I think it comes from a lack ofunderstanding of what menu pricingreally means and the power of it. So, let me first explain what it means… What is Menu PricingMenu pricing is giving people differentchoices, different options, bundles orpackages. Sometimes…
Internet Marketing – Best Tools and Resources to Power Your Online Business – 6
Noel Cunningham (Ireland):Over the years I have found acore group of tools that I stick withand I use all the time, simply becausethey are well supported and work asdescribed.Video Recorder + Players Converti In-Built Video Player –ConvertriNo fancy video player needed here asConvertri has it’s own in-built playerwhich is better than most of thepremium players…
Internet Marketing – Best Tools and Resources to Power Your Online Business – 5
Noel Cunningham (Ireland):Over the years I have found acore group of tools that I stick withand I use all the time, simply becausethey are well supported and work asdescribed. 12,500+ PLR Products – IDPLRI became a member of this PLR Site backwhen I first started and I still use iton a regular basis. It’s an…
Internet Marketing – Best Tools and Resources to Power Your Online Business – 4
Noel Cunningham (Ireland):Over the years I have found acore group of tools that I stick withand I use all the time, simply becausethey are well supported and work asdescribed. Membership Site Security – Insta MemberAlthough Optimize Press, the theme thatI use for my Members Areas, has it’sown membership plugin I use InstaMember on all my…