Internet Marketing – Is doubling your price ripping the client off? -1
Mark Wickersham (UK) Today I’d like to cover something that often comes up when I’m leading seminars and workshops. Almost every time I share stories of how firms using my techniques are able to double – or even treble – their prices, someone in the group will say, “But Mark, if I’m charging double what the…
Internet Marketing – Thank you for joining P2S, ends tonight!
Thank you for joining us in Partners to Success (P2S). I hope you enjoy the course and gain maximum benefits. If you know of anybody who would also benefit, please share this email BUT The offer closes TONIGHT Action NOW! Sink or Swim! Details again: John Thornhill (my mentor) is offering his entire system for…
Internet Marketing – Course that has made millionaires!
John Thornhill (my mentor) is offering his entire system for $1 (I paid a lot more!) “Quality Isn’t Expensive – It’s Priceless!” http://profmoscow.part2suc.hop.clickbank.net I just want to make sure you are aware of the $1 trial deal for John Thornhill’s top level coaching program? Remember that this coaching program full pricing is $4997 but John…
Internet Marketing – Stop sitting on the fence!
John Thornhill (my mentor) is offering his entire system for $1 (I paid a lot more!) “Quality Isn’t Expensive – It’s Priceless!” http://profmoscow.part2suc.hop.clickbank.net Go invest 43 minutes to discover WHY John Thornhill’s Partnership To Success Program is now it’s it’s 8th YEAR, Even though he Coaches you longer than all those ‘specials’ you’ve seen from those who…
Internet Marketing – This could not wait until tomorrow!
John Thornhill (my mentor) is offering his entire system for $1 (I paid a lot more!) A Moment of Madness is Your Gain http://profmoscow.part2suc.hop.clickbank.net Have you ever had one of those days… Where you were feeling a little impulsive and you decided to do something a little bit crazy? Maybe you bought a new car…
Internet Marketing – What is the S in FIGS? -2
S in FIGS is Scarcity Applying it to IM is difficult, as electronic products that we sell can be reproduced practically without limit. IM is a world of abundance. An affiliate proclaiming that he/she has agreed a discount with the product creator for only 100 products, will not be believed. John Thornhill, my mentor, and Dave Nicholson:…
Internet Marketing – What is the S in FIGS? -1
In Russia in the 1990’s, I learned quickly that, if I saw a product I wanted, I should buy it immediately, as later the product, and often the vendor, would be gone. (It is better now.) Omar and Melinda Martin cover FIGS in depth in their IM Clinic Click here: http://jvz1.com/c/593801/253137 You will learn a lot…
Internet Marketing – What is the G in FIGS? -2
The G in FIGS is GREED There is a growing trend for top affiliates to add their own bonuses to those of the creator, to attract buyers to purchase through them. They can do this at no cost, although they may lose some sales of products they give away free. Sometimes, the affiliate’s bonus is worth…
Internet Marketing – What is the G in FIGS? -1
The Magic Room In my home, there is a room with my books, music and a collection of objects that would make Amazon jealous. When my wife, Lady Lena, first saw it, I explained that I could find anything there. If I needed a 1980’s phone handset, or 1990’s piece of a computer, I would find…
Internet Marketing – Save more than $56 million! -4
Fine for Google of almost $57 million for violating the General Data Protection Regulation. If only it had gone to Randy Smith first, this might have been avoided! https://jvz7.com/c/593801/314912 Randy: Check out everything GDPRmySite does: (continued) Data request system You need to give users a way to request all the data you hold on them.…