Internet Marketing – Tough start to 2019
Paypal is the major method of being paid for IM activities, especially those made through JVZoo. Whilst you can decide how you will be paid for sales of your products, (you could specify credit cards) the sales you make as an affililiate (agent) will mostly earn commissions that are paid through Paypal. Due to many international payments,…
Internet Marketing – Scams and Limited Markets -6
Blast from the past! – my original article What is a scam? -a dishonest way to make money by deceiving people; -a confidence game or other fraudulent scheme, especially for making a quick profit. It is a scam if NOBODY makes any money from it (except the fraudster). What is NOT a scam? If you do…
Internet Marketing – Am I really a Psychic (The Barnum Effect)? -2
Best Wishes for 2019! Randy Smith (UK): Psychic statements about YOU. The Barnum effect, also called the Forer effect, is a common psychological phenomenon whereby individuals give high accuracy ratings to descriptions of their personality that supposedly are tailored specifically to them, that are in fact vague and general enough to apply to a wide…
Internet Marketing – Am I really a Psychic (The Barnum Effect)? -1
Best Wishes for 2019! Randy Smith (UK): Psychic statements about YOU. This section is just for fun, but came about because my Wife made us all watch ‘The Greatest Showman’ & yes, we enjoyed the movie. I was at first reluctant, as my only experience with Barnum was from my sales career. With things like ‘Barnum Effect…
Internet Marketing – Best Wishes for 2019!
Dear {!firstname_fix}, Best Wishes for 2019! In case you missed this: I have a request : Please make time to view this free webinar from my mentor, John Thornhill: Product Creation Workshop https://jvz7.com/c/593801/305413 Please make time to watch this! We have been recently reviewing the Easiest System Ever and its demo: http://www.marketingproductdeals.com/?id=profmoscow &system=ese&product_id=200&page=fe This is a…
Internet Marketing – Deadline – Midnight Tonight!
You have under 24 hours to take advantage of our very special Niche Marketing Kit Festive Blowout from John & Dave! https://jvz7.com/c/593801/75513 At midnight tonight this deal ends, the cost shoots up to a whopping $497, and you’ll miss the chance to grab over $10,000 worth of tools, products and strategies that are sure to make your…
Internet Marketing – $10,000 Blowout Package! Build Auto Income!
One of the best things about being an info product seller is the fact you can automate your business, so while you’re enjoying the festivities your business can still be making you money. There’s no better feeling than earning while you’re having fun with family and friends. However, if you’re not at that level yet you…
Internet Marketing – The ULTIMATE Niche Package (very limited)…
Have you checked out John & Dave’s Niche Marketing Toolkit kit yet? https://jvz7.com/c/593801/75513 The Niche Marketing Kit really does contain all you need for success in 2019. This is something they do every year but this time it’s bigger and better than ever and at this price you really can’t go wrong. However, I must…
Internet Marketing – Make Money from the BIGGEST and BEST Toolkit For 2019!
How would you like over $10,000 worth of tools that are responsible for over a million dollars in sales in 2018? Yes, John Thornhill and Dave Nicholson have just released what can only be described as the ULTIMATE NICHE PACKAGE! https://jvz7.com/c/593801/75513 We have only taken their VERY BEST tools, from the MOST IMPORTANT AND ESSENTIAL niches…
Internet Marketing – Everything You Need For Success in 2019!!
Dave Nicholson and John Thornhill have been evaluating 2018 and have had one of their best years ever. To celebrate they have made all the tools and strategies that is responsible for their success available so you can start 2019 with a bang. They’ve called it The Niche Marketing Kit The have worked out all areas of their…