Internet Marketing – Your price is better with phonetic simplification -2

Mark Wickersham (UK): The Power of Price Psychology The more syllables in a price – the higher it seems “phonetic simplification”. In other words, when we see a price written down – the same as with any number or any word – we read it in our minds. Their study looked at was whether the…

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Internet Marketing – Your price is better with phonetic simplification -1

Mark Wickersham (UK): The Power of Price Psychology I’d like to share how using a concept called phonetic simplification will get you better prices and results. One of the things we’re just starting to understand is how irrational the human brain is. And how, once we understand that, we can use it to our…

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Internet Marketing – Get Top Level List Building Training Worth $27 For Free!

EMarketers Club This is a membership site full of training materials, all of which are FREE to you via our private link: Ever notice the same affiliates always seem to win all the affiliate contests? ​​​​​​​And the same marketers seem to always have the best selling products in their niche? It’s like these guys are magic.…

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Internet Marketing –Glossary – 3

GLOSSARY Omar Martin (US) These are commonly used terms in the internet marketing space and we advise that you have a good understanding of the definitions. Feel free to Google them for more info. When it comes to learning new stuff Google is your friend. High Ticket ​- this typically refers to the price of an item being…

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Internet Marketing –Glossary – 2

GLOSSARY Omar Martin (US) These are commonly used terms in the internet marketing space and we advise that you have a good understanding of the definitions. Feel free to Google them for more info. When it comes to learning new stuff Google is your friend. JVZoo​ – The leading affiliate marketing network in the Internet marketing space. JVZoo…

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Internet Marketing –Glossary – 1

GLOSSARY Omar Martin (US) These are commonly used terms in the internet marketing space and we advise that you have a good understanding of the definitions. Feel free to Google them for more info. When it comes to learning new stuff Google is your friend. Funnel​ – a sales process that walks a prospect through a series of…

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Internet Marketing –What Smart Marketers Do…

Power Marketers Club This is a membership site full of training materials, all of which are FREE to you via our private link: Have you ever spoken to a successful marketer who said: “I have an idea for a product – So I’m just going to go with it!” DOUBTFUL! They would be FAR more likely…

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Internet Marketing –Size definitely matters…

Wealth Upgrade Club (NEW) This is a membership site full of training materials, all of which are FREE to you via our private link: Size matters… at least when we’re talking about bank accounts. But here’s the problem… Most people totally underestimate the size of their bank accounts. What I mean by this is that they…

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Internet Marketing – Clubbed again!

You have seen the clubs to which I have been offering FREE membership. You may have joined one or more: many of your fellow readers have done so and benefitted from their free training materials, When I started in IM (and even before) I spent a fortune on training materials. John Thornhill (my mentor) recommended these clubs  to me…

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Internet Marketing – Left digit management in your pricing -2

Mark Wickersham (UK) Why the first number in your price is the most essential Say in this instance the price is £400 (or $400). Test it at £399 (or $399) and again – although it’s only a pound or a dollar difference the perception is an even greater difference than the previous example and therefore…

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