Wanna know how to get in front of 335+ MILLION people per month? -5
Christine Parma:Did you know that, on average, peopleare buying and spending more money onPinterest than any other platform? Almost twice as much as Facebook. I have personally spent over $ 10K onads on both platforms, and can say thatthe Facebook ads (managed by a $ 5K /month FB ads expert) have been far MOREexpensive and…
Want to get in front of 335+ MILLION people per month? – 4
Christine Parma:Did you know that, on average, peopleare buying and spending more money onPinterest than any other platform? Almost twice as much as Facebook. I have personally spent over $ 10K onads on both platforms, and can say thatthe Facebook ads (managed by a $ 5K /month FB ads expert) have been far MOREexpensive and far…
Want to get in front of 335+ MILLION people per month? – 3
Christine Parma: Did you know that, on average, peopleare buying and spending more money onPinterest than any other platform? Almost twice as much as Facebook. Yes, it’s true. Pinterest ads (known as “promotedpins”) have incredible conversion andbuy rates. And with the captivated, loyal audiencethat uses Pinterest more than any othersocial platform, it’s not hard to see why. …
Here today, gone tomorrow: Half price this weekend!
Member Site’s Made Easy toolkit: Half price this weekend!https://cindybidar.com/order/aff/go/profmoscow?i=38 Cindy Bidar:Member Site’s Made Easy toolkit answersall the questions about setting up andmanaging a membership site, includinghow to choose the best platform, whatto include in a membership, promotionideas and more. Through Sunday at midnight Eastern, youcan save 50% when you use code EASY50at checkout. Here’s your link:https://cindybidar.com/order/aff/go/profmoscow?i=38
Member Site’s Made Easy toolkit: Half price this weekend!
https://cindybidar.com/order/aff/go/profmoscow?i=38 Cindy Bidar:Member Site’s Made Easy toolkit answersall the questions about setting up andmanaging a membership site, includinghow to choose the best platform, whatto include in a membership, promotionideas and more. Through Sunday at midnight Eastern, youcan save 50% when you use code EASY50at checkout. Here’s your link:https://cindybidar.com/order/aff/go/profmoscow?i=38
Want to get in front of 335+ MILLION people per month? – 1
Christine Parma: There have often been long debates overwhich social platform performs bestwhen it comes to advertising yourbusiness. The two main players are Facebook /Instagram and Pinterest. Nearly everyone seems to immediatelysay that Facebook is King since, let’sbe honest, it seems like the wholeworld is on Facebook and it’s what mostmarketers default to for their…
Look and Sound Your Best on Zoom – 2
Gary Genard:Can I Hear You Now? Yes, I Can. What about microphones, AirPods, orheadsets to enhance the experience? Some of my clients use them and somedon’t. I’ve tried an external mic, aswell as wired and wireless headphones,and I don’t think they’re necessary forthe average Zoom meeting. First, your laptop is designed for thistype of interaction,…
Look and Sound Your Best on Zoom -1
Gary Genard:Are You Talking to a Man or a Mouse? First, let’s discuss what the otherparticipants in your online meetingssee. Because as always, visuals matterin terms of how your audience perceivesand judges your spoken performance. So,let’s talk setup. At this point, you’ve probably seen toomany virtual speakers who seem to betalking to a mouse. That…
380 video tutorials that you can re-sell!
Aaron Danker:100% Done For YouHosted Reseller Membershipwith Funnel Fusion Integration!https://www.supersalesmachine.com/r/RobinJoyce/webinar.php If you’re looking to get your hands on a highly profitable DONE FOR YOU membership site that is packed with over 380 video tutorials that you canre-sell as many times as you want toy our own customers then this is it …https://www.supersalesmachine.com/r/RobinJoyce/webinar.php The Newbie Sales…
3 steps to make money online…
Aaron Danker: 100% Done For YouHosted Reseller Membershipwith Funnel Fusion Integration! https://www.supersalesmachine.com/r/RobinJoyce/webinar.php The formula to making money online is very simple. 1. Find out what people want and will pay for. 2. Create a product that fulfils their need. 3. Sell it to them. That’s it. The problem however is creating a successful product from start…