Can you improve your wifi?
When we moved in Moscow, eight years ago, we arrived in a new region, just inside the city border. Like many new regions, the infrastructure was limited. Only one internet provider was on the scene. My son, then a teenager, had much more technical knowledge than me. We agreed to set up a wifi link to…
Can a newbie overwhelm his website host? Part 4
So, there came the bombshell from Wealthy Affiliate (WA) relating to my modest, new, academic book distribution website: Bandwidth abuse by website : profmoscow.site My response: ‘I am moving my other site robinjoyce.site to another host to make more room. I really do not understand this situation. You host my site. There are visitors, the purpose of…
Can a newbie overwhelm his website host? Part 3
Yesterday, having organised the transfer of this site to D9 with Paula and Dan, I thought that I can now move on with confidence. My academic site: www.profmoscow.site is a deposit for free accounting books and was set up earlier this year. It is a minimal site, with no blog, just annual replacements. It has some advertisements…
Can a newbie overwhelm his website host? Part 2
Coming into August, my host Wealthy Affiliate (WA) had blocked Jetpack and I had one widget that was not working. This may have had something to do with WA, or maybe not. Otherwise, everything was fine and I had learned to fully update my modest academic site: www.profmoscow.site. Then, I came to load Link supercharger, according to my…
Can a newbie overwhelm his website host? Part 1
The short version of this is: Are you using a website platform, not a file sharing hosting platform? If you are there are limits to what you can do, even with a modest site. Longer version: I signed up for a year’s subscription to Wealthy Affiliate (WA) earlier this year, recommended by Devon Brown, if…
Technophobe, or just ignorant – a newbie reflects – 3
So, the internet enabled me to have information at my finger tips and e-mail connection in any city in Russia, or elsewhere. I am able to read UK, US and Russian news earlier than in the UK, due to the time difference. In 2009, projects dried up and I moved over to professional training courses…
Technophobe, or just ignorant – a newbie reflects – 2
E-mails made a major difference to my life from the 1990’s onwards. As I increased my work in Russia, my international telephone calls cost more and more. E-mails increasingly reduced my bills. My father had serious mobility problems, but wanted to continue work. Replacing his typewriter with a basic computer and printer made life easier…
Technophobe, or just ignorant – a newbie reflects – 1
From Michael Cheney, Top Internet Marketeer http://michaelcheney.com: “You can make money or excuses. Not both. Don’t be the person who says; “I don’t have the time.” “I don’t have the money.” “I don’t have the knowledge.” “I don’t have the experience.” “I don’t have the expertise.” “I don’t have the product.” “I don’t have…
Why should a complete newbie chose internet marketing? Part 10 -going public
Starting the John Thornhill course meant opening the door to technical knowledge that had earlier passed me by and also to an interaction with a large number of people, which was also new. Setting up my website needed time to perfect each step. Computers are unforgiving and 99% is never enough – one wrong step,…
Why should a complete newbie chose internet marketing? Part 9 no longer alone
John Thornhill had persuaded me that I could create my own products, but had linked this with a promise that he and his affiliates, which included some of the best names in the business, would promote my first new product. This could lead to success with my first product and promotion of subsequent products if…