Simple Hacks for Creating Content People Love to Read -2
Aaron Danker: Learn What the Pros Do to CreateContent that Produces Raving Fans!4. Provide Examples Sometimes information just goes overyour readers’ heads. You can helpclarify concepts by providing specificexamples. This not only helps engagereaders, it also helps them movetowards taking action since they nowhave a clear example of what to do. 5. Compile Lists People…
Simple Hacks for Creating Content People Love to Read -1
Aaron Danker: Learn What the Pros Do to CreateContent that Produces Raving Fans! Introduction No matter what kind of content you’recreating, you always have onegoal: keep your readers reading. And now you too can hook andengage your readers using these 40hacks for creating content thatpeople really love. Check them out… 1. Offer Tips Instructional content is…
Persuade Customers To Buy Your Backend-Conclusion
Aaron Danker:Conclusion You’ve heard the saying,“strike while the iron is hot.” When itcomes to sales, the iron is about ashot as can be when you have a prospectfilling out an order form. That’s whyit’s a great time to “strike” byoffering an upsell offer they can’trefuse. So boost your sales byinserting upsells on your order formstoday…
Persuade Customers To Buy Your Backend-10
Aaron Danker:Don’t make them “register” beforeordering. If you need your customers tocreate an account, then have thisaccount co-created during thepurchasing process. Even if the amountof “work” for the customer is the same,framing is the key here. If a customeris suddenly forced to “create anaccount” before they can place anorder, they may just dump their cart.
Persuade Customers To Buy Your Backend-9
Dear {!firstname_fix}, KEEP SAFE AND WELL!Aaron Danker:Here are the dos and don’ts tofollow:Don’t make them go through a gauntletof upsells. Sometimes marketers throwthree, four, five or more upsells infront of the prospect. They can’t getto the order form without accepting ordeclining these offers. Or, worse yet,they can’t get to their purchasewithout seeing all these offers.…
Persuade Customers To Buy Your Backend-8
Aaron Danker:Here are the dos and don’ts tofollow: •Do make it one-click easy. If you’re presenting an upsell right afterthe customer has already filled in theorder form, then make it as easy to buythe upsell as clicking a button. In other words, do NOT make your prospectfill out the order form or their creditcard all over again.•
Persuade Customers To Buy Your Backend-7
Make It Easy Aaron Danker: If you followed all the tips, then youhave a prospect who’s as ready asshe’ll ever be to place her order. At this point, your goal is to make it aseasy as possible for her to place thatorder and grab the upsell. Don’t makeyour prospects jump through hoops. Don’t slip unnecessary steps…
All that’s included inside Lightning Fast Launches
Cindy Bidar: https://cindybidar.com/order/aff/go/profmoscow?i=61 Closing on Sunday! 50+ minutes of in-depth video and audiotraining to take you from no idea tolaunch with a brand new digitalproduct, even if you have no idea whereto begin. Downloadable audio + transcripts of themain training so you can listen on thego and easily review the big takeawaysor add your own…
Stress-Free Little Launch Formula That Earns Big Bucks
Lightning Fast Launches Cindy Bidar: https://cindybidar.com/order/aff/go/profmoscow?i=61Smaller product launches are far lessrisky and way more fun. I don’t knowabout you, but I didn’t start thisbusiness so I could work harder. I started it because I didn’t have anyfreedom. Small products with small launches cangive you that freedom, too. Not only that, but they give you theopportunity to…
Create profitable products fast – here’s how
Cindy Bidar: https://cindybidar.com/order/aff/go/profmoscow?i=61 Inside Lightning Fast Launches,you’ll find lessons that show you how todecide your product topic and format,how to create a fast framework to workfrom, and the tools you need to getyour product finished. Plus you’ll findout how to sell and deliver it withease. She’s even included emailtemplates you can just copy and paste,along with…