Six Rules of Effective Public Speaking – 3
Gary GenardGreat speakers don’t just speak— they perform. Rule #3: Give Your Purpose Most of YourAttention. Too many speakers confusetopic and purpose. For instance, I’ll ask a client,“What’s your purpose withthis presentation?” And the response will be, “Well, I’m going to talk about–”“No,” I say,“that’s your topic . . . what’s yourpurpose?” And then it becomes clearwhat I…
Rules of Effective Public Speaking -2
Gary GenardGreat speakers don’t just speak—theyperform. To be effective in your speeches andpresentations, then, accept this strongrelationship between performance andsuccess. The more you can connectwith audiences rather than remaining inthe comfort zone of your content, themore successful you’ll be. Here are my Six Rules of EffectivePublic Speaking that embody myphilosophy thatgreat speaking means great performing: Rule #2:…
Rules of Effective Public Speaking – 1
Gary Genard Great speakers don’t just speak—theyperform. As an actor and speech coach,I understand that intuitively andalways communicate it to clients. And here’s the interesting thing: youshould understand it the same wayyourself. Whatever type of speaking you do—inbusiness, socially, or for personalpleasure—you’re performing. The sociologistErving Goffman wrote a book entitledThePresentation of Self in Everyday Lifethat…
Bonus step: Ask someone you love what you are good at.
side-hustler three magical ingredients Carolyn Hansen Bonus step: Ask someone you love whatyou are good at. Sometimes what may be obvious to you isamazing to others. We are so used to our ownskills that they don’t always stand out to us. Ask someone close to you that knows youwell what they think you are good…
side-hustler three magical ingredients – 3
side-hustler three magical ingredients Carolyn Hansen 3. People will pay for it. The third componentyou need in your side hustle is that people arewilling to pay you for it. It’s a moneymakingendeavor, after all! This is where many people get stuck, thinkingthey don’t have clients yet (and not knowingwhere they would come from). But think…
side-hustler three magical ingredients – 2
Carolyn Hansen 2. You are good at it. What are you naturally good at? What do or could people come to you for? What problems do you already help solve? What comes easily to you? These are all solid indicators of what couldbe a brilliant side project for you. It’s all about doing the best you can with skillsyou already…
side-hustler three magical ingredients – 1
Carolyn Hansen 1. You love the work you are doing. Loving and enjoying your side hustle iscritical, because running a profitablebusiness however big or small is alwayschallenging at one time or another. Too many people launch businesses theykind of like because they think they willbe great moneymakers. Then, if/when the going gets tough, theywalk away because their…
Free Training for Affiliates!
Randy Smith’s Free Training for Affiliates!https://randolfsmith.com/likes/FreeTrainingClick the above to get FREE Access to:TEN videos on ‘Super Affiliate Strategies’And TWENTY FIVE videos on ‘Driving Traffic’!No Strings, No Catch and No Fees! Why?It benefits both of us ! If you know what and how, you mightthen promote My Store Products . See the store here:https://marketingvideohowto.com/store/
You’re about to miss out BIG TIME.
https://jvz7.com/c/593801/343084You’re about to miss out BIG TIME. Go to this page right now and buy theBLACK FRIDAY SALE package that I’vebeen telling you about all weekend.https://jvz7.com/c/593801/343084 All the techie work is done-for-you,everything is optimized, and you don’tneed to do anything except access thesoftware and follow the simple videos,but you have to do it before time…
Follow these and you just can’t fail.
https://jvz7.com/c/593801/343084Follow these and youjust can’t fail. There are like a gazillion ways to makemoney on the internet and there is noshortage of products to teach them toyou. Over the years what I’ve found isthat this simple process is what reallymatters. STEP 1 – Attract leads with REAL VALUEand build a targeted list. STEP 2 –…