Internet Marketing – I got scammed today…
A warning story: David Perdew (US): My phone rang this morning and it was an 804 (Florida) number. I didn’t recognize the number so Ididn’t answer – which is usually thecase with me. I get a ton of spam /scam phone calls so neither my wife nor I answer calls from numbers we don’trecognize. But…
Wifi problems? check these:
KEEP SAFE AND WELL! (We are celebrating Russia Day today!) Working from home, and locked down, my wifi is critical to my income. 1. Check the strength of your neighbors’ wifi. The strength of mine is on a scale of 1-5. 5 is the best and I can see it in the bottom right of…
Internet Marketing – Make $ online FAST! OFFER CLOSING SUNDAY!
Let’s talk about MAKING you some money!Commission Magnets https://jvz8.com/c/593801/311113 Omar Martin: This System Is The Best thing Since sliced bread! Look, I know you’re building youronline business and you’re pouring yourheart and soul into it. I’ve been there and done that. I knowhow frustrating it can be to work sohard and not have any money…
Congrats! You’re winning. 🏆
Let’s talk about MAKING you some money!Commission Magnets https://jvz8.com/c/593801/311113 Omar Martin:Congrats! You’re winning. 🏆 You are getting a $200 gift TODAY! The fat lady sings TOMORROW at midnightbut as long as you take action beforethen Omar & Melinda are giving you $200OFF on Commission Magnets! This is a WIN-WIN scenario for you. Yousave money and…
40 UNIQUE digital products!
Let’s talk about MAKING you some money! Commission Magnets https://jvz8.com/c/593801/311113 Omar Martin: Commission Magnets is a membershipwebsite with the singular focus ofmaking commissions through affiliatemarketing. This is our newest web siteand it uses our most advancedtechnology to create affiliate funnelsfor the users. ComMag comes withtraining, and tools. The tools are avariety of bridge pages, bonus…
Secret Webpage To 4X Your Income!
Dear {!firstname_fix}, KEEP WELL AND SAFE!Let’s talk about MAKING you some money!Commission Magnets https://jvz8.com/c/593801/311113 Omar Martin:Conventional wisdom tells us that allyou need to make money is some trafficand an affiliate link but listen up… That kind of thinking is just flat outWRONG. You’ve got to insert a page between thetraffic and the offer if you…
Internet Marketing – The fastest & easiest way to make it online!
Let’s talk about MAKING you some money! https://jvz8.com/c/593801/311113 Omar Martin:I know you’re working on building areliable online business and that’s whyyou need to listen closely to this. A reliable long term business has a lotof moving parts. There’s a lot to learnand hopefully, you’ve been followingvarious training products to teach youhow. We all want a…
Internet Marketing – Optimal Pricing -5!
Mark Wickersham:The Value Pricing System https://www.wickersham.co.uk/a/6541/wWVxKzFL Are you working crazy long hours andmaking very little money? You’re not alone. Accountants Are Too Cheap How Do You Find That Maximum Price? You can’t just ask your client whattheir maximum willingness to spend is. They would not tell you that number,they may not even know it themselves.…
Internet Marketing – Optimal Pricing -4!
Mark Wickersham:The Value Pricing System https://www.wickersham.co.uk/a/6541/wWVxKzFL Are you working crazy long hours andmaking very little money? You’re not alone. Accountants Are Too Cheap Who loses out? You certainly do because you areoverworking and under earning, but theclient is missing out too! If you canhelp them build a better business, butcan’t spare the time to do…
Internet Marketing – Optimal Pricing – 3!
Mark Wickersham:The Value Pricing System https://www.wickersham.co.uk/a/6541/wWVxKzFL Are you working crazy long hours andmaking very little money? You’re not alone. Accountants Are Too Cheap Unfortunately most accountingprofessionals tend to set their pricetowards the bottom of this range. But, really, you want to be as close to thebuyer’s reservation price as possible. You may be thinking it’s unfair…