Internet Marketing – Webinar or trial – Your choice!

John Thornhill’s Partnership to Successwas promoted with trial period.It is now an evergreen offer.(I have been a member for 3 years.) You can go straight tothe free webinar:Product Creation Workshop make time to watch this! or you can sign up for a trial is for you, if you want to see how to run an IM business.…

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Internet Marketing – Top product goes evergreen! Jump into IM!

John Thornhill’s Partnership to Successwas promoted with trial period.It is now an evergreen offer.(I have been a member for 3 years.) John: I realized people were crying out forinformation, so much so that I quicklydiscovered that I could sellinformation in digital form andautomate the whole process. Fast forward almost 10 years andover five million dollars in sales and mybusiness…

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Internet Marketing – Writing that REALLY sells -2

Daniel Levis (Canada)::2 – Does Your Headline Have The Look? ———————————————————–I most often find that headlines workbest when they are centered on the page presenting abalanced appearance in terms ofthe shape they create.Sometimes encasing them in quotation marks canalso serve to grab more attention. Brevity is desirable. If there arewords you can remove from your headline without weakening it,remove them.Where you break lines is…

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Internet Marketing – future of the accounting profession and pricing is UNCERTAIN

Mark Wickersham (UK): Have you seen what’s going on withIntuit’s Live Bookkeeping test?There are many accountants andbookkeepers worried about where thingsare going so I did a quick video withmy thoughts.You can watch the video here: excellent pdf download under the video and one in the note Mark will send you.Also:Those links again:The Value Pricing System Pricing…

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Download it (, use it, sell it!

Thank you, Randy Smith:we also have a FREE Download…from Charles Harper.For those not yet familiar with Charles and the quality of his training So that you get to try before you decide to buy any of his products 🙂(Which I think is great marketing) This 10-Part Facebook Monetization Secrets Video Series With Full Private Label Rights: No ‘Pushy’ Sales Messages. You Decide.…

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Internet Marketing – Writing that REALLY sells -1

Daniel Levis (Canada)::1 – Is Your Headline Supported On TheseFour Pillars? Does it arouse relevant curiosity? Doesit make a simple, easily understood, ultra-compellingpromise? Does it trigger the dominant motivatingemotion you’ve identified in your research?Does it imply proof of promise?Big secret: Your headline is the ad foryour web page, NOT necessarily the ad for your product.Give people a reason to read other than to…

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Internet Marketing – Tool : Split Test Monkey-fre.e

Randy Smith:Split Test Monkey: Test Monkey helps with 3 alternative testing optionsthat work with both the Split URL & Dynamic Snippet tests.Allowing you to choose between:* Auto Optimizing, ‘set and forget’ simple to do. Just pick your test ‘rules’ such as how long the test runs,the minimum number of total conversions required before awinner can…

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Internet Marketing – Fre.e Resource- Do Your Customers Buy Logically Or Emotionally? Randy Smith:Today I thought I’d share a Free ResourceI found around 11 or 12 years ago, and as it’sSTILL available, And may well benefit you!I literally went to it the other day, when anonline friend was asking people’s opinions on thelatest headline he wanted…

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Internet Marketing – 3 Most Devastating Marketing Mistakes – 3

It’s OBVIOUS why so much marketing is scrap-heap worthy. Because intelligent people are ignoring common sense. I’ll show you what I mean. Let’s check out the 3 most common marketing mistakes, misfires, and missteps. 3) Erratic Traffic Sources! What’s your most reliable traffic source? That’s a no brainer. It’s the people who ALREADY know who…

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Internet Marketing – 3 Most Devastating Marketing Mistakes – 2

Daniel Levis (Canada): It’s OBVIOUS why so much marketing is scrap-heap worthy. Because intelligent people are ignoring common sense. I’ll show you what I mean. Let’s check out the 3 most common marketing mistakes, misfires, and missteps. 2) No Message-to-Market Match!  You can have the most fabulous product, the most irresistibly-persuasive message, but never make a…

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