Internet Marketing – Video – top brands and cheaper!
Today is International Ladies Day!We celebrate it in Russia with a holiday, flowers and appreciationof our ladies.Best wishes to your celebrations, if you share it with us. Randy Smith (UK): Adding video to our pages and posts!I do upload videos to Youtube if I justwant to try and get trafficfrom there back to a site I control.…
Internet Marketing – Every Marketer Needs This…
Dear {!firstname_fix}, EMarketers Club https://membershipcommand.com/sales/emc/n8gisdw/silverfree.html John Thornhill (UK):It doesn’t matter what you’re selling.It doesn’t matter what your niche is.If you’re not building a responsivelist, then you’re leaving so much moneyon the table. But check out the keyword above:“responsive.” Plenty of marketers can build hugelists all day long. Then they boastabout those numbers as if they…
Internet Marketing – HOW Gullible do they think we are?? -2
Traffic Generation Clubhttps://membershipcommand.com/sales/tgc/n8gisdw/silverfree.html Randy Smith (UK): When two of the net’s top marketersshow you how they pull in enough traffic to make six and seven figures a year, you ought to listen. Find out their favorite traffic methodsnow at The TrafficGenerationClub with our Complimentary Access Link. You’ll get immediate access to 10 videolessons.And if you can stretch to the goldupsell for…
Internet Marketing – HOW Gullible do they think we are?? -1
Traffic Generation Club https://membershipcommand.com/sales/tgc/n8gisdw/silverfree.htmlRandy Smith (UK): I have had a quick look at this weekstop sellers to see if anything looks a ‘must have’,But frankly,a lot of them look very ‘SAMEY’ toeverything that is already out there! And I’m sick of hearing that if I havea cool graphic, or special video, that Sales, Traffic and Cash will come flooding in!… Why…
Internet Marketing – Here’s what the best email marketers do… Part 2.
EMarketers Clubhttps://membershipcommand.com/sales/emc/n8gisdw/silverfree.htmlJohn Thornhill (UK):Further to part 1, and what the bestemail marketers do, How do we join them? Of course it all seems a littlepuzzling at first, at least when you’reon the outside looking in. Because you’ve read the list buildingguides. You’ve subscribed to theexpert’s newsletters and blogs. You’vewatched countless videos. And you’vespent a whole…
Internet Marketing – Here’s what the best email marketers do… Part 1.
EMarketers Club https://membershipcommand.com/sales/emc/n8gisdw/silverfree.htmlJohn Thornhill (UK):Ever notice the same affiliates seem toalways win all the affiliate contests?And the same marketers seem to alwayshave the best selling products in theirniche? It’s like these guys are magic. Everytime they release a product or promotesomething, that product shoots straightto the top of the bestseller’s lists. Pssst, let me share…
Internet Marketing – Writing that REALLY sells -5
5 – Are You Triggering The Buying Emotion? ————————————————————– Are you demonstrating your personalbelief in what you are selling? Will your message quickenthe reader’s pulse? While you may want to put your readerin pain momentarily, the bulk of your page should be upbeat,positive, and full of inspired energy. Is there a sense of WOW to it? Human beings are hardwired for…
Internet Marketing – Writing that REALLY sells -3
3 – Is Your Opening Provocative? ———————————————————— Does it trip the reader, interruptingthe internal turbulence of the day? Does it cut through the noise and enter the conversation your prospecthas been having with himself about the area of concern youwant to help him with? Each line of your work must serve to‘sell’ the reader on continued reading,especially at the beginning. Again curiosity, emotion, and…
Internet Marketing – What to do if your price is too expensive – 2
I’m sure most of us have experiencedthat moment when you reveal the priceand your client says, “That’s a bitmore than I was expecting. Sorry, butit’s beyond my budget.” The bigquestion then is, what do you do next? One option, of course, is just to walkaway. You may not be prepared to takeon the business for…
Internet Marketing – What to do if your price is too expensive – 1
Mark Wickersham (UK):I’m sure most of us have experiencedthat moment when you reveal the priceand your client says, “That’s a bitmore than I was expecting. Sorry, butit’s beyond my budget.” The bigquestion then is, what do you do next? One option, of course, is just to walkaway. You may not be prepared to takeon the business…