Internet Marketing – Here’s just a bit of what you’ll discover FREE today!
Traffic Generation Club https://membershipcommand.com/sales/tgc/n8gisdw/silverfree.html Today we have a link to get you free access to the traffic generation club. And I’d suggest using it… So you too can Discover: * The key differences between traffic quantity with traffic quality. This will be the ‘ah-ha’ moment that turns your entire business around so you can start…
Internet Marketing – Sell the sizzle, not the steak!
This theme has many expressions: ‘People buy benefits, not products’ and so on. Randy Smith (UK) provides us with a timely reminder on the topic: You shouldn’t try to sell products to your subscribers.People don’t like to be sold to. But they do want to get the results you are offering. So instead of trying to…
Internet Marketing – Where are your profits from the web?
Web Profits Club https://membershipcommand.com/sales/wpc/n8gisdw/silverfree.html Just do or create something real! AND, there are plenty of real opportunities that can bring anywhere from a few extra hundred bucks a month in, to really good opportunities that can exceed any level of income you’ve made before. I’m talking things like selling goods on eBay, creating niche products…
Internet Marketing – How To Generate Traffic Using LinkedIn! -2
Garry Desmarais (Canada): By joining various groups related to your field of work, you increase your website visibility and also draw in more traffic to your site. You have to apply to a group in LinkedIn before you can become a member of it; so make sure you select only groups with many members in…
Internet Marketing – How To Generate Traffic Using LinkedIn! -1
Garry Desmarais (Canada): LinkedIn is a great social networking site that if used properly, can help increase your website traffic. Not only do you have to create a LinkedIn profile, you also have to submit the name and the link of your business website to the Website Section of LinkedIn so that people visiting your…
Internet Marketing – Another fr.ee alternative!
Randy Smith (UK) has another, free version of a current top seller: Randy: why I won’t be investing in todays TOP Seller… TxtVideo What it does: Create Text Stories That Are Displayed In A Smartphone And Turn Them Into Videos! This (they claim) will increase engagement and result in lots of traffic etc. To be fair…
Internet Marketing – Build my list, then what?
Building your list of potential and actual buyers is a constant requirement to survive in IM. (It is never big enough, as we all want to attarct more buyers.) Randy Smith (UK) discusses how he gains income from his list: ‘3 most popular items in the last few months are products I bought the rights…
Internet Marketing – Referrals worked for me!
Following Mark W’s notes on referrals, I would like to add my experience: A book publisher, here in Russia, wanted me to provide a few stand-up presentations, but ‘we have very little money to pay you’. The pay was ridiculously low, but it was only 2-3 presentations. I agreed, on condition that they gave me…
Internet Marketing – The best system to win new clients – 3
Mark Wickersham (UK): Why referrals is the best system to win new clients A basic principle of referrals is actually the most effective. If you don’t ask, you don’t get So we systemise the process of asking for referrals. And it’s easy. One way of doing it is adding it to your standard meeting agenda.…
Internet Marketing – The best system to win new clients – 2
Mark Wickersham (UK): Why referrals is the best system to win new clients There’s a but… How many systems do you have in place to systematically win more clients and win more referrals? I suspect the answer is, “None“. It usually is. Yet if we believe in the power of referrals so much then why…