Internet Marketing –drive those clicks through the roof! – 7
Hack #7: The Cliffhanger Conversion Rate Experts wanted to better position a software landing page. The final result was $1 million+ in new revenue. And the path to the outcome was also instructive. One of the very first things they wanted to do was inject more credibility into their offer. Specifically, by ‘elevating’ the successful brands Moz had…
Internet Marketing –drive those clicks through the roof! – 6
Hack #6: Ask Questions? Betteridge’s law of headlines says, “Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no.” It’s intended as a half-truth. A joke, really. Basically, saying that most question-based headlines are unnecessary. You’re intentionally asking a loaded question or leading the reader on. But for advertising purposes, that’s kinda the…
Internet Marketing –drive those clicks through the roof! – 5
Hack #5: Negativity It’s official. Fear works. At least, when you’re trying to get attention. We want to avoid external threats that could harm our well-being. We want to fix internal mistakes we might already be making. That’s why fear-based messaging has been around the block. A few times. Just check out this quote from an…
Internet Marketing –drive those clicks through the roof! – 4
Hack #4: How-To’s Formulas work for a reason. They fit the mental schema of what people expect. No need to reinvent the wheel when the wheel works just fine, thank you very much. In the same study of the most preferred headline formats online, the good old How-To came in at number 2. ‘How to Create…
Internet Marketing –drive those clicks through the roof! – 3
Hack #3: The Shortcut List Life is hard. We’re bombarded by information. We’re stressed and overworked. And by the end of the week, all we want to do is to collapse in a heap on the couch. Our brains are literally done. Checked out. Decision fatigue has firmly set in. And that’s why we can’t help but click…
Internet Marketing –drive those clicks through the roof! – 2
Hack #2: The Verifiable Value Proposition Numbers are hard to argue with. especially when they’re verifiable, specific and illustrative of the value you’re about to get. For example, MarketingExperiments.com ran a test that compared which headline generated more leads. Those three were: 1. “You Are Master and Commander of a Billion Documents” 2. “Cost Effective Litigation Management Solutions”…
Internet Marketing –drive those clicks through the roof! – 1
Hack #1: The Testimonial Where do people get their information today? Almost 75% of people look to friends and family for purchasing information. And nearly all of them at 92% trust recommendations from people over brands — even if they don’t personally know them! For example, Basecamp ran a split test between their old, tried-and-true page and a…
Internet Marketing –Webinar hidden story
A webinar is a form of video link with your prospects. It may be live, a repeat of a live webinar, or pre-recorded. For those who have run similar live webinars many times, for example, offering training, another structure is emerging: almost live. This is a combination of the live and pre-recorded webinar. A live…
Internet Marketing –Worst video ever?
E.Brian Rose (‘EBR’) is a co-owner of JVZoo, the global distributor of IM products. He set up a webinar with a guest speaker. This allowed the guest to promote his services relating to social media. His guest has been in IM since 1999, so we were set for a trouble-free webinar. Then, promoting his product,…
Internet Marketing –Arbitrage profits for all?
Arbitrage from Selling Books This offer has reappeared, so here are my comments from my guest post on the topic: Full article at: http://www.johnthornhill.com/blog/scams-and-limited-markets/ Limited Markets These are not scams, but offer buyers less than they might expect. Arbitrage (risk-free profit): This is buying in one market and selling in another market at the same time.…