SHERRI COFFELTfile:///C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/Bonus%20books/5_keys_more%20to_yes%20in%20your%20sales%20conversations.pdfThese conversations can be online,including by email. Key #1:Build RapportCreate connection and relationshipright from the start People buy from those that they know,like, and trust. And if you don’tcreate rapport, pretty much from thestart, you’ll struggle to get people tosay yes!So how do you create that feeling inyour sales conversations, even if it’svirtual or…
Internet Marketing – Truth About These 5 Affiliate Marketing Myths – 1
Truth About These 5 Affiliate Marketing MythsDavid Perdew With so many misconceptions aboutaffiliate marketing, business people ofall types are missing the gold… Bad information keeps many people frommaking money online. People give a half-hearted effort toone form of marketing, get disappointedthat it didn’t work, and then cry outto the world that it no longer works… How…
Internet Marketing – Business with medical mask 4
These were some of the key factorsI presentedat an online conference about theeconomy that awaits us (emphasis on UK,US and Russia). -Entrepreneurs will restart, but slowly For entrepreneurs, surviving thepandemic has been a major challenge,with manylosing revenue due to their clients’inactivity. Travel and legal serviceshave joined shops and restaurants inthe fight for survival. State supporthas…
Internet Marketing – Is this making you dumb?
Over the last few years there have beenmore and more studies into how mobile phones affect people. And the results are alarming. This study in Social Psychology,examined how just the“mere presence” of a cell phone—evenwhen it is not being USED—influences people’s performance oncomplex mental tasks. In the study, the participants wereasked to quickly scan arow of digits…
Internet Marketing – Business with medical mask 3
These were some of the key factorsI presentedat an online conference about theeconomy that awaits us (emphasis on UK,US and Russia). -Online companies smaller as employersGoogle employs about 15,000 people. Ithas subcontractors. I will guess thatthese total a maximum of 35,000, givinga total of 50,000. In 2002, I visited car maker, Lada, inToliatti, Russia. Lada…
Internet Marketing – Business with medical mask 2
These were some of the key factorsI presentedat an online conference about theeconomy that awaits us (emphasis on UK,US and Russia). -Move online: irreversible The move to online is irreversible. Wehave seen that postal services havebeen replaced by emails, texts,messaging and Skype. Letters will not be returning to theirearlier prominence. Retail has been declining, in highstreets…
Internet Marketing – Overqualified -2
This has happened to me, when jobswere scarce and I needed one.I hope that it does not happen to you: What to do when you’re told you’reoverqualified for a job Sometimes having all the experience—andthen some—can make it harder to landthe position you want.https://www.monster.com/career-advice/article/overqualified-for-job-081417Kate Ashford, Monster contributor Tap your network Do you know someone who…
Internet Marketing – Overqualified -1
This has happened to me, when jobswere scarce and I needed one. I hope that it does not happen to you: What to do when you’re told you’reoverqualified for a job Sometimes having all the experience—andthen some—can make it harder to landthe position you want. https://www.monster.com/career-advice/article/overqualified-for-job-081417Kate Ashford, Monster contributor Overqualified? Focus your interest onthe job…
Internet Marketing – Business with medical mask 1
These were some of the key factors Ipresentedat an online conference about theeconomy that awaits us (emphasis on UK,US and Russia). Making money online will continue tothrive.-Reduced state support: unemployment,pensions Unemployment subsidies will be reducedand ended by governments as quickly asthey can (politically). Manyself-employed and small businesses werenever properly compensated and willcease their business and/or…
Internet Marketing – Protect your bank account!
Another warning story – BE READY!:Your phone rings. Step 1 IntroductionThe caller says he/she is from your bank. Step 2 Shock !Caller asks whether you have just spent $1,200 in a town 1,000 miles from your home. You have not. You are in SHOCK, especially when this happens the first time. STOP. SAY NOTHING! Step 3…