Internet Marketing – Cindy’s list …..-4
Cindy Bidar (US) is retiring all of herexisting courses and checklists. All are at HALF PRICE BUTeach deal is available only for 24 hours!After midnight Eastern (US time),on the dates specified, the price will revert back to theregular price. I hope that you can find a bargain, or two! October 9: Opt-In Funnel Follow Ups(email templates)- Sale price $18.50…
Internet Marketing – Cindy’s list …..-3
Cindy Bidar (US) is retiring all of herexisting courses and checklists. All are at HALF PRICE BUTeach deal is available only for 24 hours!After midnight Eastern (US time),on the dates specified, the price will revert back to theregular price. I hope that you can find a bargain, or two! • October 8: Perpetual Profit Machine(video training) – Sale…
Internet Marketing – Cindy’s list …..-2
Dear {!firstname_fix},Cindy Bidar (US) is retiring all of herexisting courses and checklists. All are at HALF PRICE BUTeach deal is available only for 24 hours! After midnight Eastern (US time),on the dates specified, the price will revert back to theregular price. I hope that you can find a bargain, or two! • October 7: Funnels 101 (videotraining) – Sale…
Internet Marketing – Cindy’s list …..-1
Cindy Bidar (US) is retiring all of herexisting courses and checklists. All are at HALF PRICE BUTeach deal is available only for 24 hours!After midnight Eastern (US time),on the dates specified, the price will revert back to theregular price. I hope that you can find a bargain, or two! October 6: Funnel Builder’s ChecklistPack – Sale price $13.50 https://cindybidar.com/order/aff/go/profmoscow?i=16One…
Internet Marketing – Simple Ways to Raise Cash Fast Online! -12
Aaron Danker:When You Need Cash Fast…You need cash… fast. And the more timethat goes by, the more you feel thepressure. The more pressure you feel, the harderit is for you to think straight andcome up with a reasonable plan toraise the cash you need. That’s where this report comes in. I’vedone all the thinking for you and…
Internet Marketing – Write More Descriptively – 3
jordan@writingexplained.org: The purpose of writing is tocommunicate information. This is truefor writing of all types, for fictionand nonfiction, for creative andtechnical, for business and legal. Tools of Description Intentional use of adjectives.Where adverbs modify verbs,adjectives modify nouns. This is probably the most directway to make your writing moredescriptive, since adjectives exist forthe express purpose of beingdescriptive. This…
Internet Marketing – 7 Ways to Make Money By Giving Away Your Book
Donna Kozik (US):It may seem counterintuitive, but youcan make more money as an author not by selling your book, but by giving itaway. How so? It’s using that book as what I call a“big business card.” It’s a universalsymbol of expertise and credibilitythat means you can charge premiumprices for your products and services. You see, there’s…
Internet Marketing -Why you must have an upselling system – 2
Mark Wickersham (UK):The Value Pricing System https://www.wickersham.co.uk/a/6541/wWVxKzFL (Also, essential for Internet Marketing) When someone buys from you they are inbuying mode. They want to purchase. Which means they are also at the mostreceptive stage to buying more fromyou. So how can you maximize the opportunityfor upsell? You need a system in place, that’s how. The need…
Internet Marketing -Why you must have an upselling system – 1
Mark Wickersham (UK):The Value Pricing System https://www.wickersham.co.uk/a/6541/wWVxKzFL(Also, essential for Internet Marketing)When someone buys from you they are inbuying mode. They want to purchase.Which means they are also at the mostreceptive stage to buying more fromyou. So how can you maximize the opportunityfor upsell?You need a system in place, that’s how. What is an upsell? Upselling involves…
Internet Marketing – Simple Ways to Raise Cash Fast Online! -11
Aaron Danker:When You Need Cash Fast…You need cash… fast. And the more timethat goes by, the more you feel thepressure.The more pressure you feel, the harderit is for you to think straight andcome up with a reasonable plan to raise the cash you need. That’s where this report comes in. I’vedone all the thinking for you and…