Internet Marketing – Never Pay for Software Again?
Software Profits Revealed + My Bonuses + 25% discount during the launch Click Here: https://jvz1.com/c/593801/251457 Discount -Just enter the code “25soft”at checkout. This is the product we have been waiting for! ‘I started to sell software’s that are available COMPLETELY FREE, Software’s that I could re-brand as my own and sell on complete autopilot. Its…
Internet Marketing – Money Wasted – Don’t Bother!
Today, a product review from IM expert, Randy Smith: ‘One thing we have done is stopped all testing of Leadserve! I have been meaning to update you guys, and figured a Saturday email would reach more of you, as we always get the highest open rates. In a nutshell – Leadserve GUARANTEES subscribers from their traffic, and you can get…
Internet Marketing – Do not pay for an air ticket!
This week, I received an offer to give a week’s course in Ethiopia, from a company that was new to me. We agreed the course contents and I contacted some colleagues to find the market rate. I sent the amount I required as fees and stated that expenses (airfare, visa, hotel, meals, taxis) would be paid by the local company. The…
Internet Marketing – Monster Markets!
This week, I have been researching Amazon. Many people start an online business selling goods on Amazon and/or on Ebay. Ebay was where John Thornhill started. His Product Creation Workshop Click here: https://jvz1.com/c/593801/131029 is a recording of the complete building of products from nothing over eight one-hour videos . It complements his longer one-year course, adding more than…
Internet Marketing – Would you threaten your buyers?
A prospect signs up to your list. Then, the prospect sends you a question about your product (before, or after buying). Of course, you answer it. Next, a prospect asks you a question unrelated to your products. You answer with whatever information you have. Then, a prospect a sale offer. Now, what do you do?…
Internet Marketing – Your Site is Your Shop Window!
Your IM website must NEVER be accessed through your day-job computer. This can be a disciplinary offence unless your rules specifically allow it. This also applies to accessing social media, though many companies have rules for this. You want to be a seller and make money doing so. Prospects will need to know, like and trust you…
Internet Marketing – Monetise a product you cannot sell. Part 2
So I have a unique asset, 50 IFRS accounting workbooks in English and Russian that are out of date, with no site to host them. I cannot sell them, so is it going to be worth continuing my quest? My former colleague had left me with one signpost that pushed me to continue: the earlier…
Internet Marketing – Monetise a product you cannot sell. Part 1
The product is 50 accounting workbooks in both English and Russian. They are now found on http://www.profmoscow.site (English) and http://www.profmoscow.site/ru (Russian) From 2003-9, I worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in Moscow on European Union projects in the Ministry of Finance and Bank of Russia (Central Bank). Part of my work was writing 50 accounting workbooks, which were translated into…
7 Figure Franchise – The Complete Michael Cheney!
“Why Am I Giving You The Keys To My $1,168,766.43 Business?” Making Money Like This is So Easy INSTANT PAYOUTS AND 100% COMMISSIONS ON ALL MY DIGITAL PRODUCTS Single Best Way To Go From Zero To $10,000 Per Month (Even If You’re A Newbie)… GRAB IT NOW! CLICK HERE: https://jvz1.com/c/593801/242163 …
Internet Marketing – Your Site = Your Visiting Card
Your Professional Website If you want to beat the competition, you need your own website relating to your day job. http://robinjoyce.site/super-free-website/ gives you all the details for securing one. If you have an IM site already, hosting your new site will be free, or at a major discount. To hide any unwanted PAGES, WordPress allows you to delete them,…