Internet Marketing – Can automation help you in your day-job?
Omar’s IM Clinic I mentioned Omar and Melinda Martin’s excellent course of 4 2-hour webinars and recommended that you will learn a lot about IM just from the promotional video (no commitment to buy): (Each evening has been at least 4 hours’ of top content!) Click here: http://jvz1.com/c/593801/253137 It finished on a high note last…
Internet Marketing – Can you find buyers?
Finding potential buyers Finding potential buyers (traffic) is a key factor for all businesses. The done-for-you services identify traffic sources that are suitable for their sales funnels. You buy the traffic and feed it into the sales funnel of your choice and earn commissions on products/services sold. You can find your own traffic, but it needs to…
Internet Marketing – Selling physical goods – an advantage?
I hope that you have successfully downloaded your free superwebsite. I have sent details in a separate note. If you have not received it, a copy is on my blog @ www.robinjoyce.site Our story, so far, of an aggressive internet service: I have been offered a free traffic service, then told that I WILL HATE…
Internet Marketing – A Cautionary Tale– Part 2!
I hope that you have successfully downloaded your free superwebsite. I have sent details in a separate note. If you have not received it, a copy is on my blog @ http://robinjoyce.site/ If you wish to make affiliate sales, you need an AFFILIATE LINK from the vendor (a URL) through which you send your buyers.…
Internet Marketing – Your superwebsite gift download details here!
I want to give you with a free website NOW, so that you can participate actively in our IM journey: NOTHING IS REQUIRED IN RETURN Download it here (right now!, or later if you wish) http://profmoscow.fmwebs.hop.clickbank.net Your website: you no longer have to worry about editing complicated HTML code as we have taken care of that…
Internet Marketing – A Cautionary Tale– Part 1!
I am testing a $100 a day programme, one of the get-rich-quick models that appear each week. Having opened it, I was swiftly inside the members’ area, watching an introductory video. I was directed to two promotion presentations. In a hurry to start training, I was mildly annoyed. The first offered me a free website…
Internet Marketing – Affiliates need mentors too!
Most sellers in IM concentrate on marketing other people’s products. The role is called an ‘affiliate’. They find the potential buyers and take them to the sales page of the product creator. If a sale is made, commission will be paid. They find potential buyers (‘traffic’) by a range of methods and source products (or services, such as training)…
Internet Marketing – You are only allowed three!
A few months after I had started IM, I was watching webinars almost every day and my email inbox hit 750 unread mails. I was determined to succeed, but was lacking direction and some advice was conflicting. Omar Martin told me that I should have a maximum of three mentors and unsubscribe from all emails…
Internet Marketing – Fight against SOS continues: managing your webinars
When I started learning about IM, I was lucky to find a large number of free webinars that increased my knowledge and optimism of success. I am grateful to those who provided them. I still find knowledge in webinars, but strictly limit the ones that I watch. To fill your time with webinars is the most…
Internet Marketing – 4 types of participant!
Michael Cheney: The Commission Machine 2017, an excellent start to Michael’s training Complete sales page, including a video of Michael, here: https://jvz9.com/c/593801/142505 identified 4 types of participant in IM. 1. Critics. They consider that the performance of others is unfair, dishonest, unethical and spend their time telling anybody who will listen. Jealousy may be a…