Why should a complete newbie chose internet marketing? Part 8 Do it yourself?
John Thornhill shattered my comfort zone. I had been aware of him through his links with Dean Holland, Michael Cheney and Omar Martin. I responded to a note from Omar to his readers in which there was a call to action. Are you still suffering from SOS (shiny object syndrome) and have a computer full…
Why should a complete newbie chose internet marketing? Part 7 Own products?
At this stage, I had signed up to Dean Holland’s and Devon Brown’s programs for ‘done for you’ sales funnels. Now to see how I can find some sources of reliable, economical traffic. I reflected that I had spent some money on programs and software that I would never need, at least once buying the…
Why should a complete newbie chose internet marketing? Part 6 Is ‘done for you’ the solution?
Dean Holland is extremely supportive, as are his colleagues, but I realised that the biggest returns were offered to the highest status of partners. This was perfectly reasonable, but my upgrade was delayed while I organised the money, which took a little time. Now, we are ready to move on together. Devon Brown’s regular 5-minute…
Why should a complete newbie chose internet marketing? Part 5 – Programs
My goal was affiliate marketing. Why have the cost, in time and money, of producing your own products when there are thousands of excellent products out there to sell for a 50% commission? However, the financial logic was not yet believable. If I was selling $20 products for 50% commission, this was going to be…
Why should a complete newbie chose internet marketing? Part 4 – SOS
So, I am in Moscow in the depths of winter, snow on the ground, boots and hat and a steady workload of lecturing. However, I do not have a website, no technical knowledge, have no product, no Facebook account, no Twitter account and no You tube account. SOS (shiny object syndrome) is claiming me as…
Why should a complete newbie chose internet marketing? Part 3 – Accounting materials?
Could I use my accounting experience to make money on line? I had been publishing IFRS accounting workbooks online (free to download) since 2003, so I knew something about the market. Also, as a double-qualified UK accountant, I have worked with accountants in many countries for much of my working life. I have run many…
Why should a complete newbie chose internet marketing? Part 2 -Distractions
I would be able to market more products as an affiliate than a product designer. 50% commission sounded good to me, leaving all the marketing and support to the product designer. Was this the straight path to riches? My research proved to be long and directionless for quite a while. The good news for a…
Why should a complete newbie chose internet marketing? Part 1 Start
When the price of oil fell 18 months ago, the Russian Rouble fell and prices here in Russia doubled, as most products are imported. I was lucky to increase the number of courses (lecturing) that I secured to compensate for some of the loss of spending power. However, I was running faster, doing more work,…
Can you monetise a product that you cannot sell? Part 2
So I have a unique asset, 50 IFRS accounting workbooks in English and Russian that are out of date, with no site to host them. I cannot sell them, so is it going to be worth continuing my quest? My former colleague had left me with one signpost that pushed me to continue: the earlier…
Can you monetise a product that you cannot sell? Part 1
The product is 50 accounting workbooks in both English and Russian. They are now found on http://www.profmoscow.site (English) and http://www.profmoscow.site/ru (Russian) From 2003-9, I worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in Moscow on European Union projects in the Ministry of Finance and Bank of Russia (Central Bank). Part of my work was writing 50 accounting workbooks, which were translated into Russian…