Internet Marketing – Accelerated learning
Accelerated learningI came to IM through my long interestin accelerated learningtechniques.‘Investing in yourself is the best investment you can ever make’has been very true for me. I use a number of techniques in my trainingcourses and in my day job: teaching.Learning IM and being based in Russiahave dramatically increased my learningchallenges.One product I bought is 5 Minute Learning Machine(by…
Internet Marketing – No Groove for me – WHY?
Randy Smith:Many are considering partneringto promote Mike Filsaime’slatestpage builder ‘GroovePages’. (It’s supposed to be launched by now)But it’s NOT something I’ll be promoting! There are some AMAZING JV Prizes,including a car, to be won….but someone has to pay for those! Well from my research, I’ve discoveredthat Groove pages is actually PageStead, a while label page builder you, or I, couldpurchase. Groove pages…
Internet Marketing -Win More Clients By Positioning Yourself As The Expert! -3
Mark Wickersham (UK):The Value Pricing System https://www.wickersham.co.uk/a/6541/wWVxKzFL I am going to share with you the threeS’s of niche building. It’s critical that you start developingniches, develop a real focus and findyour specialism. The specialist alwaysmakes more money than the generalist. If you want to get better prices, winmore work and earn more money andbetter quality clients…
Internet Marketing -Win More Clients By Positioning Yourself As The Expert! -2
The Value Pricing System https://www.wickersham.co.uk/a/6541/wWVxKzFLI am going to share with you the three S’s of niche building. It’s critical that you start developingniches, develop a real focus and findyour specialism. The specialist alwaysmakes more money than the generalist. If you want to get better prices, winmore work and earn more money andbetter quality clients –…
Internet Marketing -Win More Clients By Positioning Yourself As The Expert! -1
Mark Wickersham (UK): The Value Pricing System https://www.wickersham.co.uk/a/6541/wWVxKzFL I am going to share with you the threeS’s of niche building. It’s critical that you start developingniches, develop a real focus and findyour specialism. The specialist alwaysmakes more money than the generalist. If you want to get better prices, winmore work and earn more money andbetter quality…
Internet Marketing – Ambassador Program! Q & A -2
John Thornhill’s Ambassador Program:http://profmoscow.ambsador.hop.clickbank.netJohn is the master of digital product creation (see webinar below).He is now launching a new program in which he supplies the products and a whole system to create your profit-earning online marketing business. Ever since John launched his brand newAmbassador Program, I have had a ton ofquestions. So I’ve decided to answerthe most…
Internet Marketing – Ambassador Program! Q & A -1
John Thornhill’s Ambassador Program:http://profmoscow.ambsador.hop.clickbank.net John is the master of digital product creation (see webinar below). He is now launching a new program in which he supplies the products and a whole system to create yourprofit-earning online marketing business. Ever since John launched his brand newAmbassador Program, I have had a ton ofquestions. So I’ve decided to answerthe…
Internet Marketing – Resource Guide
Kathryn Calhoun (US): I only recommend things I have personally used, vetted, and adore. 1 – Create Your Free Gift – Tools: Canva (free graphic design tool, supereasy to use)Powerpoint (PC/Mac) or Keynote (Mac) orGoogle Slides (all free) 2 – Nurture Your Tribe With EmailMarketing – Tools:ConvertKit – wins first place for myfave email marketing…
Internet Marketing – can I help you get clients?
Monica Shah“How do I say what I do in a way thatmakes people want to work with me?” So, here’s what I suggest you do: Make sure you solve a“wake-up-in-the-morning” problem foryour clients. What is a “wake-up” problem? It is acore problem your client thinks aboutfirst thing in the morning. Theseproblems are the ones they…
Internet Marketing – Why you must be part of this!
You are running late! Register here: https://jvz3.com/c/593801/343084 My most successful subscribers will payclose attention to this and it will payoff handsomely. Ever heard of “banner blindness”? Its aterm that represents the phenomenon ofgetting used to something you seeonline so often that it becomesvirtually invisible to you. Website have to rotate banners imagesand placement all the…